Two papers from ASSERT Members and UFPE PhD students have been accepted for the International World Wide Web Conference (WWW’2014) to be held in Seoul, South Korea, on April 2014. Leandro M. Nascimento, author of both papers, will attend the conference and present both papers.

The first paper is entitled “A New Architecture Description Language for Social Machines” by Leandro Nascimento, Vanilson Burégio, Vinicius Garcia and Silvio Meira. A brief summary of the paper is following:

“The term ‘Social Machine’ (SM) has been commonly used as a synonym for what is known as the programmable web or web 3.0. Some definitions of a Social Machine have already been provided and they basically support the notion of relationships between distributed entities. The type of relationship molds which services would be provided or required by each machine, and under certain complex constraints. In order to deal with the complexity of this emerging web, we present a language that can describe networks of Social Machines, named SMADL – the Social Machine Architecture Description Language. In few words, SMADL is as a relationship-driven language which can be used to describe the interactions between any number of machines in a multitude of ways, as a means to represent real machines interacting in the real web, such as, Twitter running on top of Amazon AWS or mashups built upon Google Maps, and obviously, as a means to represent interactions with other social machines too.”

The second one is entitled “Personal APIs as an Enabler for Designing and Implementing People as Social Machines” by Vanilson Burégio, Leandro Nascimento, Nelson Rosa and Silvio Meira. The paper abstract is following:

“In this paper, we extend our initial classication scheme for Social Machines (SM) by including Personal APIs as a new SM-related topic of research inquiry. Personal APIs basically refer to the use of Open Application Programming Interfaces (Open APIs) to programmatically access information about a person (e.g., personal basic info, health-related statistics, busy data) and/or trigger his/her human capabilities in a standardized way. Here, we provide an overview of some existing Personal APIs and show how this approach can be used to enable the design and implementation of people as individual SMs on the Web. A proof-of-concept system that demonstrates these ideas is also outlined in this paper.”

These papers will be soon available on ACM Digital Library. A new post will be done after the conference, presenting our impressions of the event and the feedback from research community about the work.