The paper “Smart Cities Software Architectures: A Survey” authored by Welington Manoel da Silva, Gustavo Henrique Rodrigues Pinto Tomas, Kelvin Lopes Dias, Ricardo Alexandre Afonso, Alexandre Alvaro and Vinicius Cardoso Garcia has been accepted for publication in the Software Architecture: Theory, Technology, and Applications (SA-TTA) Technical Track at the 28th Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC’2013).
The conference will be held in March 18 - 22, 2013 at Institute of Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (ISEC-IPC), Coimbra, Portugal.
This activity is part of the project “Social Machines and Research Team - SMaRT” and is one of the results of the MSc research being done by Welington Manoel da Silva and Gustavo Henrique Rodrigues Pinto Tomas and PhD research being done by Ricardo Alexandre Afonso.
A brief overview of the paper is given next
The smart cities concept arises from the need to manage, automate, optimize and explore all aspects of a city that could be improved. For this purpose it is necessary to build a robust architecture that satisfies a minimal number of requirements such as distributed sensing, integrated management and flexibility.
Several architectures have been proposed with different goals, but none of them met satisfactorily the needs that permeate smart cities.
In this work various architectures are discussed, highlighting the main requirements that they aim to fulfill. Furthermore, based on different architectures with the most varied purposes, a set of requirements for the implementation of a smart city is presented and discussed.