Pesquisadores do ASSERT tiveram dois artigos publicados no ICSEA’2012 e um artigo publicado no ICPADS’2012.

Os artigos publicados no 7th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA) 2012, que ocorrerá nos dias 18-23 de Novembro de 2012 em Lisboa (Portugal), foram os seguintes:

Evaluating performance of distributed systems with MapReduce and application traffic analysis” de autoria de Thiago Vieira, Paulo Fernando Soares, Marco Machado, Rodrigo Assad and Vinicius Garcia.

Abstract. Test, monitoring and evaluation of distributed systems at runtime is a difficult effort, due the dynamicity of the environment, the large amount of data exchanged between the nodes and the difficulty of reproduce an error for debugging. Application traffic analysis is a method to evaluate distributed systems, but the capacity of analyze large amount of data is a challenge. This paper proposes and evaluates the use of MapReduce programming model to deep packet inspection the application traffic of distributed systems, evaluating the effectiveness and the processing capacity of the MapReduce programming model for deep packet inspection of a JXTA distributed storage application, in order to measure performance indicators.

A Systematic Mapping Study on Domain-Specific Languages” de autoria de Leandro Nascimento, Daniel Viana, Paulo Silveira Neto, Dhiego Martins, Vinicius Garcia and Silvio Meira.

Abstract. Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) offer substantial gains in expressiveness and ease of use compared with general purpose languages. This way, DSLs have gained significant attention in industry and academy, as can be seen by the increased number of related publications in key conferences and journals. This paper aims to provide a broad view of the DSL research field by performing a Systematic Mapping Study. Adopting a detailed search strategy, 4450 studies were initially identified, and, after filtering, 1440 primary studies were selected and categorized using a particular classification scheme. So, this work presents the most popular application domains where DSLs have been applied, identifies different tools for handling DSLs, including language workbenches, and enumerates several techniques, methods and/or processes for dealing with DSLs.

Já no 18th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS) 2012, que ocorrerá em Singapura nos dias 17-19 de Dezembro de 2012 no Nanyang Executive Centre, Nanyang Technological University, teve o seguinte artigo aprovado

Measuring performance of distributed applications through MapReduce and network traffic analysis” de autoria de Thiago Pereira de Brito Vieira, Paulo Fernando Almeida Soares, Marco Andre Santos Machado, Rodrigo Elia Assad and Vinicius Cardoso Garcia.

Abstract. This paper proposes the use of MapReduce programming model to deep packet inspection of distributed systems network traffic, performing a initial evaluation of effectiveness and processing capacity of MapReduce for deep packet inspection, and also evaluating the performance indicators that can be extracted to evaluate a distributed application.

Os três artigos fazem parte das atividades de pesquisa relacionadas ao projeto Social Machines and Research Team - SMaRT apoiado pelo INES (Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia para Engenharia de Software)